German jersey without three stripes in it.

German football federation(DFB) and American kit supplier Nike has agreed for partnership from 2027 onwards for supplying sports kit to German national football team. The switch to Nike from German kit supplier Adidas after a 70 year partnership(started in 1954) has caused significant backslash from German politicians and public alike against DFB.
German minister of Finance Robert Habeck and the chancellor Olaf Scholz issued public statements regarding the deal. “I can't imagine the German jersey without the three stripes on it,” Habeck said. “For me, Adidas and black-red-gold always belonged together. It is a piece of German identity. I was hoping for a bit more local patriotism.” Men's national team worn Adidas apparel en route to winning four FIFA world cups and three European championships. However, DFB counter argued that from a financial point of view, deal with Nike made sense because they offered $108 million per year against the $54 million per year from Adidas for DFB to support more than 24,000 football clubs, 2.2 million active players, the numerous volunteers and almost 55,000 referees at grassroot levels in German football.
Money Talks, Everything Else Walks.